Brand Positioning Statement,
Social Media Management
Danish Ejaz – Management
Ayesha Channa – Design Lead
Fabaiha Khalid – Content Designing
Ali Rajani – Content Development
The Solution:
e.ocean is known as the pioneer in providing mobility solutions to corporate and customers in Pakistan. Post-COVID era, e.ocean decided to go global and to compete with global companies in the Middle East, USA, & Europe to do such a huge task, a brand rejuvenation was needed which was led by Designist while MADvertising was given the task of understanding the business, its stakeholders and its customers in and outside Pakistan and propose a positioning statement that resonates with their business and their new global vision. After numerous sessions and exercises internally as well as with the Client. MADvertising proposed “Bridging Global Interactions” as their positioning statement which was approved in the first round and was highly appreciated by the Client. Also, MADvertising was extensively involved in the social media content development to ensure their services are highlighted properly on LinkedIn. MADvertising was able to add 2000+ followers organically in 6 months on LinkedIn via their design approach and content strategy without using any paid advertising or PR. It is MADvertising’s most tactical case study in B2B Communication Strategy along with Pathfinder Group.